Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This is my Blog Debut!!!

Hi all!  Welcome to my blog debut!  Pull up a fruity drink and enjoy the party. 

I'm AprilFae and I am a happily married, new mommy.  My husband and I are the proud new parents to a 4 month-old beautiful baby daughter who we will call Bean.  We also are mommy and daddy to 3 crazy doggies and 2 truly insane kitties. 

I have a couple of sites that I try to maintain in between trying to maintain my daughter, husband, house and myself.  The first site is called Pinkie's Shoppe.  I have great plans in my mind for this site but right now, it is on the back burner for a short time.  I am thinking of revamping it and selling jewelry on it.  But we'll see.  I have all of these great ideas swimming around in my head but actually finding the time AND the funds to make them a reality is not always so easy.  My other site is a launching pad to all most of my affiliate links to other companies.  I am a representative for each one of these companies and  you can shop directly on the company websites.  This site is called PinkieFae Shopping.

With this blog, I hope to share with you snapshots of my life and info on all my great companies.  As always, if you have any questions about any of my companies, please feel free to email me.

1 comment:

  1. "Bean" - that's too cute!
    We call our 2.5 yr old son Bean!!


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