Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Bean is 4!

Sunday marked our beloved Bean's 4th birthday!

Four years.

Fours years of love, laughter, smiles, tantrums (hers and mine), learning, giggles, hugs, kisses, and did I say love?  Oh yeah.  I did.  But love is all I think of when I think of our Bean.

Here are some pictures I took of Bean in one of her new girlie dresses on her fourth birthday.  I see a bunch of love in them.

Happy Birthday Baby!


  1. Awww - your little Princess is adorable!

    I remember when my little princess was that age, she's still adorable; just in different ways - LOL!

  2. Happy Birthday Bean! That dress is SO cute! :)

  3. Happy Birthday Bean! She looks so cute!


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