Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Here's some pictures of Bean on her inaugural visit to the local pumpkin patch last year.

This is Bean this year (2009) at the pumpkin patch.  As you can see, my seasonal clothing coordination has flown out the window.


We had a great time, all except my boots which got quite up close and personal with a pile of goat poop.  We got to pet goats, sheep, and rabbits.  We got to run from chicken and turkeys, and got to be grateful we aren't that one solitary pig playing around in all that nasty mud.  We walked through the corn maze with Bean leading the way.  For some reason, she only wanted to take right turns.  We went on a hayride, too.  And Bean ran through the pumpkins trying to pick them all up.  We did so much that by the end of the trip, Bean was crawling back into the stroller herself.  She had conquered the pumpkin patch and was completely over it and just wanted to take a nap.  Me, too.

1 comment:

  1. It is fun to take them every year and see how they have grown (via pictures). Sorry about your shoes, hope they cleaned up nicely! ;-)


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